
Evolution concept

In 1986, the government renamed the department of orthopedics and traumatology "Traditional Rehabilitation Massage", "Bajin Hall" uses Chinese and Western theories to make people understand the logic of muscle soreness, and believes that its unique technology can benefit people, It has become our mission to promote the Chinese muscle and bone conditioning technology that can be recognized and understood by everyone. The Muscle Pulling Hall is not religious metaphysics. Each move is a real skill for muscle and bone conditioning. The overall environment is clean, bright and penetrating, This is our intention to protect the psychological safety of every comer and cherish our own technology. For comprehensive deep conditioning of muscles and bones: The tendon plucking hall aims at all ages with a famous family style of "plucking, spinning, cutting, digging, drilling and picking", All kinds of muscle and tendon problems are treated with a unique method ⭐ Technology, and at the same time, appropriately conditioning the individual bones.

Traditional Restorative Massage of Bujin Hall

The tendon pulling hall was created by the master of tendons and bones, Yan Shifu. All the teachers personally raised and cultivated hard. Each branch store is directly operated by the tendon pulling hall system. The tendon pulling hall has strict training and strict quality control, which is highly praised by the industry! Since its opening, it has entered the second 10 years, and achieved 5 stores in Taiwan with hundreds of good reviews! We always pursue the following three spiritual goals: "putting people's health first", "being a teacher for cultivating talents", and "keeping the brand clean"

Taking "the health of the people as its own responsibility", the Bajin Hall hopes to cultivate outstanding teachers and talents through the technical achievements, experience inheritance and earnest teachings of its founder, Master Yan, so as to provide people with another way of thinking and direction when there is no way to ask for help in terms of physical and mental health

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上午 11:48


師傅們為回應大家的感謝, 在感謝祭尾聲拍了回應影片獻給大家。 在新的一年,撥筋堂也會繼續努力守護大家的健康! *政府明文規定「傳統整復推拿不得宣稱療效及觸及醫療名詞,如:筋骨酸痛、坐骨神經痛、神經痛、偏頭痛、水牛肩、五十肩、網球肘、關節炎、骨科、脊椎側彎、椎間盤突出、急慢性病、淋巴排毒、舒筋活血、改……

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撥筋堂傳統整復推拿 發起了公益合作, 會員每次消費結帳即捐出50元 捐款將平均分予包含台灣之心在內的五間公益團體 ​ 活動至12/31的期間,撥筋堂每周都會捐款給浪浪 目前累計第三週的捐款金額已超過兩萬元 讓浪浪們的絕育經費有更堅強的後盾! ​ 謝謝大家與協會一同攜手, 幫助浪浪絕育、扭轉牠們流浪的命運 ​ ​ 【讓我們……



[台北古亭店地圖] 撥筋堂 台北古亭店 地址:台北市汀州路二段195號 乘車資訊:古亭站2號出口,走同安街,見85度C左轉,即到達。 ★ [台北永春店地圖] 撥筋堂 台北永春店  地址:台北市信義區忠孝東路五段372巷27弄19號 乘車資訊:永春站2號出口左轉,見7-11左轉,見華碩電腦左轉,再走1分鐘到達。 ★ [台北復興店地圖] ……


平時累又睏怎麼辦? 交給撥筋堂!

一位客人十分苦惱自己的 #睡眠問題 ,睡覺總是非常 #淺眠 而且雜亂多夢,連身邊家人的悄聲對話、走路聲都令正在睡覺的他難以承受,夜裡睡不安穩,一起床總是又累又困、頭昏腦脹 這位客人因工作繁重天天加班再加上作息不規律,身體積累了諸多壓力,師傅施作時先 #大周天 梳理該客人的全身氣血循環,將嚴重的結塊筋黏以柔力……

